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Hooks are special methods within Frames that help building UIs more easily. Here are all of them:


useState is present both in FunctionComposables and Frames. Within FunctionComposable it returns a composable-bound state that marks component as dirty on value change, within Frames it returns a simple reactive state.

ReactiveState<String> myString = useState("Hello, World!");


useUnboundState is present in FunctionComposables and allows to create an unbound state. The component will not be re-rendered on state value change.


useContext is present only in Frames, and it allows to set context to certain value. Context will be passed down to all components, and they will be able to retrieve it with the context method.

useContext("Hello, World!");
// ---
@Nullable String ctx = contextOrNull(); // (1)!
@NotNull String ctx = context(); // (2)!
  1. Will return null if context is not of type String
  2. Will throw InvalidContextValue if context is not of type String


setTitle allows to set title within Frames.

setTitle(player, "Hello, this is new title!");


useMemo is used to memoize a Computable<I, O>

Computable<Integer, String> memoized = useMemo(myState, integer -> {
   // ... some heavy computations here